Computer Science Olympiad "Positional numeral systems"

Computer Science

"Positional numeral systems"

Age category: age 14-18, undergraduates, teachers

International Online Computer Science Olympiad "Positional numeral systems" with a quick result for students 14-18 years old, undergraduates and teachers. Participants are invited to answer 15 questions with answer options. There is no time limit. Сorrect answers are available. Participation in the contest is free, after registration, you can order certificates for the participant and for the teacher.


Last participants


Annadurdyýew Abdylmejit ÇaryýarowiçTurkmenistan Aşgabat15 из 15
Annadurdyýew Abdylmejit ÇaryýarowiçTurkmenistan Aşgabat15 из 15
ViktoriyaKazakhstan Petropavlovsk15 из 15
Aditya KumarIndia patna11 из 15
Mamedowa SasoltanTurkmenistan дашогуз4 из 15
Атаханов Джасурбек АйбековичTurkmenistan Гундогар 1 из 15
Nur Fariha Mohd NoorMalaysia Sintok14 из 15
Худайназарова ОгулназTurkmenistan дашогуз5 из 15
A R SahanaIndia BANGALORE15 из 15
Иванова ДарьяMoldova Бендеры11 из 15
Kaoru KubotaTaiwan Hsinchu14 из 15
Chloe Valencia TjakraIndonesia Indonesia15 из 15
Серекпаева Надежда БорисовнаRussia Тюмень15 из 15
Ne'matova MarjonUzbekistan Asian12 из 15
Fedotov Aleksei AleksandrovichRussia Cheboksary15 из 15
AzizbekUzbekistan Узун10 из 15
Azizbek KholmatovUzbekistan Uzbek15 из 15
Shodmonova Nilyufar Abrol QiziUzbekistan Tashkent15 из 15
Maria AntonovaRussia Tomsk15 из 15
Косенчук Максим НиколаевичRussia Томск15 из 15